[sf-lug] Dreamfish PHP

Grant Bowman grantbow at dreamfish.com
Thu Sep 29 07:08:02 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

As many of you know I am leading a project in Nairobi, Kenya through
Dec 6th to build technology for Dreamfish and mentor a group of
ambitious youth developers as we go. Our youth team members come from
a local Nairobi slum and are making their way out of extreme poverty
day by day. They have all graduated from a year long program expanding
in East Africa called Nairobits. http://nairobits.com

Our project uses open source software components ( described
http://pads.dreamfish.com/tech-plan-2011 ) and donated laptops to help
Dreamfish members connect, grow and realize their dreams, often of
helping others. I have met some incredible people who are members. In
my free time this project also enables me to help open source
advocates here connect with peers elsewhere. We are planning a Kenyan
OLPC summit to help the eleven deployments share experiences. While
not as big a production as the http://olpcsf.org summit held downtown
at the SFSU campus (practically above the Powell St. BART station &
Westfield Shopping Center) Oct 21, 22 & 23rd we hope it will be
helpful for the deployments here.

Here is a Dreamfish overview and project update available from Tiffany
von Emmel's blog.

The last few days our team has been beginning to understand the PHP
code of http://status.net and learning how to make changes. We are
looking for help with PHP and status.net as the main engine of our new
website. If you are interested in participating, please email me or
join us in IRC http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=dreamfish

Thank you,

Grant Bowman

P.S. We are also running a campaign with a video of the team and
matching contributions in our final two days

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