[sf-lug] Sonic.net + APs

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Aug 5 13:36:17 PDT 2011

On Thu, Aug 04, 2011 at 03:17:45PM -0700, Dan Murphy wrote:
> You got the URL wrong, isn't sonic http://www.sonicdrivein.com/

Heh, I saw that in Google Maps the other day.  (Sonic the ISP, at their
old HQ in Santa Rosa, with the Sonic restaurant website's URL. ;^) )

I've been a Sonic customer since 1998, even when I had to get DSL from
PacBell (UGH!) or a local Davis ISP (much better!).  Now I get DSL thru
Sonic, via an AT&T land-line account.  Sonic now offers "Fusion", which
includes land-line phone service, if I understand it correctly.  Not out
here in Davis, though, so we're still stuck with AT&T.

Here's a little article about them that was published this month:
gives some fun history.  (Sonoma Interconnect (now Sonic) started out of
the CEO's mother's house back in 1994.)

The other day I saw someone on Twitter (re-tweeted by the CEO :) ) who was
blessing them for having a "silence" (no music) mode when you're on hold
with their tech support line. :^D  It's the little things!


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