[sf-lug] Help! Can't connect to AT&T wireless

jim jim at systemateka.com
Wed Feb 16 14:44:32 PST 2011

Can you say what to do to 
* use the laptop to work with the administrative interface 
  use a browser? connect to no user name and 
  password is the default, admin ? 
* where to find settings that control WEP/WPA/etc.? 

On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 17:24 -0500, Blake Haggerty wrote:
> I would disable WEP or WPA or whatever on the router and try to
> connecct that way. If it works you know the issue is with the password
> being entered. 

> The router does not require SP3 or any of the other BS that service
> tech told you. The software that they want you to install (usually a
> Yahoo disk or something, requires that stuff.) But it isnt needed. I
> have used that router and modem with Ubuntu, mint, puppy linux, Suse,
> windows XP, Vista, and 7... No problems. Never installed any 3rd party
> or extra software than what was built into the OS.
> Blake Haggerty
> View Blake Haggerty [LION] blake.haggerty at sapphire.com's profile on
> LinkedIn
> Permanent Placement Specialist
> Sapphire Technologies U.S., a Randstad company
> 27 Maiden Lane
> San Francisco, CA 94108
> (p) (415) 788-8488
> (f) (415) 788-2592
> www.sapphirena.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From:jim jim at well.com 
> To: "Jackie Barshak" ;
> Cc: "sf-lug at linuxmafia.com" ;
> Sent: Feb 16, 2011 02:10:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [sf-lug] Help! Can't connect to AT&T wireless
> I'm replying separately to the sf-lug list and 
> will also reply separately to the other lists-- it 
> often creates problems to send mail to multiple 
> lists because if a member of one list replies to all, 
> that email goes to the other lists, and if the 
> sender is not also a member of the other lists, the 
> list administrators have to deal with a non-member's 
> attempt to post. 
> The only sense I can make is that the AT&T device(s) 
> expect to communicate with some client software that 
> the users must install on their computers. I can't 
> believe that's real--how would someone's guest use the 
> wifi? and how about gran'ma and little billy? 
> It seems to me that her ubuntu laptop ought to see 
> the wifi and work with it. what would disable the 
> connect button? 
> oh, and speaking of gran'ma and little billy, my 
> band, the nubs, is playing at the Retox Lounge on 20th 
> at 3rd in San Francisco at 8:30 PM this Sunday, 2/20. 
> KUSF had our CD as number one for SF local bands. we're 
> punk rock, loud and brash, but kind of fun. we're trying 
> to figure out how to use linux on a laptop as a midi 
> controller. 
> On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 20:57 +0000, Jackie Barshak wrote: 
> > I just moved into a new flat in San Francisco and called AT&T to 
> > deliver a wireless modem and router. But since I set it up I
> haven't 
> > been able to connect the wifi.. The Linksys E1000 wireless-N Router 
> > has at its minimum system requirements internet explorer 6 Safari 3
> or 
> > Firefox 2 and a running Windows XP SP3 for a PC. I bought this 
> > computer in India without a genuine copy of Microsoft installed.
> It's 
> > the practice there to install pirated copies of MS Windows, While I 
> > was there I didn't have trouble with Windows but when I returned to 
> > San Francisco in the fall I was finally almost shut down by MS.
> That's 
> > when I learned about and installed Linux. Now I have extremely 
> > limited use of MS and they don't allow me to run updates or save 
> > anything in memory. I don't think I am even operating with Explorer 
> > 6. 
> > 
> > The AT&T tech support person that came out said the problem is that
> I 
> > don't have a Microsoft Service pack higher than a 2 and that I need 
> > at least a 3. And for that reason my wifi can't connect. But I
> should 
> > have the wi-fi on my ubuntu program, right I asked. He said that
> the 
> > Router is incompatable with Linux and that I need a dedicated Linux 
> > router. One Linux user tells me that's nonsense. 
> > 
> > Let me tell you what happens when I open Ubuntu. I click the wi-fi 
> > icon and find my wi-fi account name. A dialog box appears
> requesting 
> > that I enter my password. I use the password that AT&T gave me but 
> > the connect button is whited out so I can't click on it. 
> > 
> > Please call if you can help, 415.242.1307. 
> > 
> > Jackie 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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