[sf-lug] Hiya

Christian Einfeldt einfeldt at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 11:26:43 PST 2011


If you are a Linux Enthusiast Who likes to help get Linux into the hands of
end users, you might want to consider volunteering for Partimus.org, which
is a nonprofit dedicated to putting the Linux  computers into schools.

I am in germany now with limited access to the internet, but I will be back
in san francisco on february ninth.

Welcome to SF-LUG!
On Jan 30, 2011 1:34 AM, "Chris Bolton" <chriskun at saikonet.org> wrote:
> Hey guys! I just happened to stumble upon the SF-LUG site and, well, being
> local linux enthusiast decided to send out a mail :). I should be able to
> make it this sunday. How many usually show and what does the group usually
> do/talk about during these meetups?
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