[sf-lug] GNOME cut/paste/delete issue

jim jim at systemateka.com
Wed Oct 27 08:00:24 PDT 2010

   As I read it, the complaint seems to be about the 
behavior of the delete key. The expectation is that 
the delete key simply eliminates the highlighted stuff 
and, importantly, does not disturb the global clipboard. 
In some contexts, the delete key copies the stuff to 
the global clipboard. 
   The immediate work-around is to paste the clipboard 
contents to something, anything to preserve them, before 
using the delete key. 
   The intermediate project seems to be to learn in what 
context the delete key copies to the clipboard. 
   I agree that the delete key should not disturb the 
clipboard, so, per the definition that a bug is behavior 
that is not expected, I say file a bug. It ought to be 
apparent to whom after learning the various contexts in 
which the bad effect happens. 

On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 20:40 -0700, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
> On 10/26/2010 05:23 PM, Alex Stahl wrote:
> > Hi Folks - Wondering if anyone's seen this problem, and if they might 
> > know a solution:
> >
> > Env:
> > -Ubuntu 10.04
> > -GNOME 2.30.2 (incl.)
> >
> > If I cut a section of text (highlight, then ctrl-x), then highlight & 
> > delete (via Delete key) another piece of text, then paste (ctrl-v), I 
> > get the deleted text, not the cut text.  I'm blaming GNOME since it 
> > happens between various independent apps.  I could perform the cut in 
> > gedit, and the delete in netbeans, and the paste in an email, and I 
> > get the same results.  Oh, and it doesn't happen 100% of the time.
> >
> > I haven't changed any mappings or keyboard shortcuts, and have even 
> > triple-checked various preferences to ensure I hadn't accidentially 
> > enabled this somehow or been pranked by IT.  Nope, everything's 
> > default and nothing I can find indicates that this behavior is enabled.
> >
> > I'll spare the list my rant about how offensive this is, both to a 
> > user and to the linux philosophy (why is 'delete' doing two things and 
> > acting like cut?!?); suffice to say it's driving me nuts.  Has anyone 
> > observed this and/or have any ideas on how to fix it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Alex
> >    
>      I have noticed that clipboard in Gnome is far less versatile than 
> in KDE,
>      In KDE you can directly access the contents and deliberately erase
> all of the entries.
>      I don't see anyway to change this behavior though I will keep looking.
>      This clipboard is about as good as the one in AmigaOS 1.3 which didn't
> noticeably improve by AOS 3.9.
>       However for a work-around you might try selecting the text you
> wish to replace then doing the paste directly into the selected area.
>      This works for me and seems to keep the replaced text out
> of the clipboard.
>      later
>      bliss
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