[sf-lug] Help build a Linux lab this Saturday, 10/9/10

Christian Einfeldt einfeldt at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 16:18:51 PDT 2010

Thanks to Mike Higashi, James Howard, Anthony Riley, Grant Bowman, and
Ricardo Elizalde for coming down to the International Studies Academy on
Potrero Hill at 655 De Haro and share some yummy pizza with us.  We are in
the process of finishing up the install of 23 machines, hopefully.  We had
an issue with a faulty switch or a hub, and that might end up hanging us
up.  If you have a working 100BASE-T switch or better that you could donate,
we would be very grateful.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Christian Einfeldt <einfeldt at gmail.com>wrote:

> This Saturday, from 10 to 2 we will be working on a Linux lab at the
> International Studies Academy at 18th and De Haro streets in SF.  The school
> is quite large so please call me (Christian) at 415-351-1300 when u arrive
> so that I can come get u.  Pizza will be served at 2 pm.
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