[sf-lug] BALUG: TOMORROW Tu 2010-04-20: Sameer Verma on: One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Project: Plan, Updates, Direction, Participation

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Mon Apr 19 13:34:41 PDT 2010

BALUG: TOMORROW Tu 2010-04-20: Sameer Verma on: One Laptop per Child  
(OLPC) Project: Plan, Updates, Direction, Participation

REMINDER: TOMORROW Tuesday 2010-04-20:

Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG)
Tuesday 6:30 P.M. 2010-04-20

Please RSVP if you're planning to come (see further below).

For our 2010-04-20 BALUG meeting, we're excited to present:

Sameer Verma[1] on: One Laptop per Child (OLPC)[2] Project: Plan,
Updates, Direction, Participation.

This presentation will address updates from the OLPC project (hardware,
software, networks, schools, teachers, children, parents, etc), its
achievements thus far (what works and what does not) and where it is
headed in the near future (yes, its still alive).  We will also look at
how various communities (such as BALUG) can participate in the
educational, technological and social contexts.

Profess by day, tinker by night.  Dr. Sameer Verma is an associate
professor of Information Systems[3] in the College of Business[4] at
San Francisco State University[5].  His research revolves around the
diffusion and adoption of innovative technologies.  He also teaches a
course titled "Managing Open Source" at San Francisco State University.
In his free time, Sameer volunteers with One Laptop Per Child by
organizing activities for the OLPC-San Francisco Bay Area[6] group.  He
also runs his laptops, desktops, servers, tablets, phones, media
systems, and car music player on Linux.  The toaster sadly remains
unconverted (any day now).

1. http://verma.sfsu.edu/
2. http://laptop.org/
3. http://is.sfsu.edu/
4. http://cob.sfsu.edu/cob/
5. http://www.sfsu.edu/
6. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_San_Francisco_Bay_Area

So, if you'd like to join us please RSVP to:

                  rsvp at balug.org

**Why RSVP??**

Well, don't worry we won't turn you away, but the RSVPs really help the
Four Seas Restaurant plan the meal and they help ensure that we'll be
able to eat upstairs in the private banquet room.

Meeting Details...

                  Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 2010-04-20

                  Four Seas Restaurant http://www.fourseasr.com/
                  731 Grant Ave.
                  San Francisco, CA 94108
                  Easy PARKING:
                  Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny http://www.sfpsg.com/

Cost: The meetings are always free, but for dinner, for your gift of $13
        cash, we give you a gift of dinner ticket to join us for a yummy
        family-style Chinese dinner - tax and tip included (your gift also
        helps in our patronizing the restaurant venue and helping to
        defray BALUG costs such treating our speakers to dinner).


Door prizes?  Giveaways?  We don't necessarily have such items at every
meeting, but we do often have giveaways and/or door prize items.  E.g.
at our 2010-03-16 meeting, over 14% of our of our attendees that donated
$13 (and for which we provide gift of dinner and dinner/door prize
raffle ticket) walked away with a brand new
iPod shuffle 4GB Silver (MB867LL/B) [MSRP $79][7]
courtesy of ScaleMP[8].
7. http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_ipod/family/ipod_shuffle
8. http://www.scalemp.com/

We will have a supply of Ubuntu[9] 9.10 "Karmic Koala" i386 CDs on hand
for our BALUG 2010-04-20 meeting, made possible by Ubuntu California[10]
and other contributors/volunteers.  We may have other stuff too.
9. http://www.ubuntu.com/
10. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam


Feedback on our publicity/announcements (e.g. contacts or lists where we
should get our information out that we're not presently reaching, or
things we should do differently): publicity-feedback at balug.org



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