[sf-lug] [LINUX USER QUESTIONAIRE] What makes a true Linux user?

Edward Janne tigakub at mac.com
Tue Jul 28 10:47:42 PDT 2009

Hi everyone. My name is Edward Janne and I'm an animation student at  
the Academy of Art University here in San Francisco. As a part of my  
curriculum I'm taking a cultural anthropology class and I elected to  
study the San Francisco Linux Users Group for my final paper. The  
theme of the paper is how being a Linux User informs identity through  
ways of speaking, categories of people and things, and common likes or  
dislikes. To gather this data I will post a series of questions to the  
mailing list. There are no wrong answers. My aim is to understand  
group identity from your point of view. Thank you all for your time.


Question 1: What makes a true Linux user?

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