[sf-lug] geoprocessing help

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Jul 16 02:22:16 PDT 2009

> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:03:39 -0700
> From: toya <toya at linefeed.org>
> Subject: [sf-lug] geoprocessing help
> To: sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
> Pretty much I am looking for latitude and longitude data for the
> neighborhoods of SF. For a city in Brazil we could get this data with
> the university department of geoprocessing, so I think some university
> here might be able to help me out with it.
> I appreciate any help.

There's the USGS maps, e.g.:
Digital Raster Graphics
Download free GeoPDF versions from the USGS Store
That will get you to ZIPed PDF files of USGS maps down to the
7.5 minute series - that might be about the most accurate way to
correlate latitude/longitude on map.
May also be more usefully used in conjunction with
other maps (e.g. for neighborhood names and boundaries,
more complete set of street/alley names, etc.).
Might not be so useful outside of the US, though
(that's what the US in USGS stands for).
Many public libraries often have local USGS maps
(e.g. San Francisco Public library may have most or all
of the hardcopy maps covering San Francisco - the hardcopy
ones are pretty big - if I recall correctly, they're roughly
2.5 x 2.5 ft. for, e.g. 7.5 minute series maps.
Last I looked for them, Oakland Public Library had a pretty good
set too (perhaps also including some or much of San Francisco -
though perhaps not or not as detailed).
Some recreational/sports stores sometimes also have
the USGS maps for cities or their parks and other
popular recreation areas (e.g. REI used to stock and have lots of USGS maps
for sale - not sure if they still do).

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