[sf-lug] tomcat notifications

Tom Haddon tom at greenleaftech.net
Wed Nov 19 09:14:17 PST 2008

On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 08:50 -0800, opeters at pacbell.net wrote:
> Thanks Joe. It's not the server up and down message I need but the
> tomcats going up and down.  There is an autoscript that runs that
> brings the tomcats up and down, and I need to get notifications of
> when the tomcats do this, so I will know everything is working as it
> should.  

Sounds like this kind of stuff is running from cron. If so, you can have
the cron output sent to an email address using the MAILTO variable in
cron. If you have an email to SMS gateway (or your phone can receive
email), you're good to go. If not, you will need an email to SMS gateway
(google is your friend here). Other than that, you're talking about
setting up some kind of server/service monitoring - Monit is one option,
Nagios is another, and there are plenty to choose from. None are trivial
to setup, but then their goal is pretty complex... If you're looking for
something more simple, you can always write a little shell script to
check for the service being up, and run that from cron, but again,
you'll need an email to SMS gateway to get it to your phone.

Cheers, Tom

> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: joe gallo <gallo.j at gmail.com>
> To: opeters at pacbell.net
> Cc: Linux user Group <sf-lug at linuxmafia.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:58:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [sf-lug] tomcat notifications
> Not sure if there's an easier method, but googling "send message to
> phone when server is down" came up with:
> http://www.howtoforge.com/make-monit-send-sms-alerts-when-the-server-goes-down
> - Joe
> 2008/11/18  <opeters at pacbell.net>:
> > I am running apache2 with tomcats, and I need notification when the
> tomcats
> > go down and come back up. I need this notification to be sent to my
> phone.
> > Is there a particular config file that will do this that is standard
> in
> > apache?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > Ola
> >
> >
> >
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> > sf-lug mailing list
> > sf-lug at linuxmafia.com
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> >
> >
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