[sf-lug] Fwd: stderr and stdout, merged in a single file, in different colors

Jesse Zbikowski embeddedlinuxguy at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 14:20:56 PDT 2008

Here is a quick 'n' dirty Perl implementation of the named pipes idea.
 I named it cl.

For instance

cl cmd args | less -r

# less -r keeps color codes

You may want to timestamp the stderr/stdout to prevent re-ordering.

cl cmd args | sort -g | cut -d' ' -f2- |less -r


use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes;

# set to 1 to use timestamps
my $use_timestamp = 0;

sub colorize;

# Uncomment if you want autoflush
#use IO::Handle;

my $outpipe = "/tmp/out.$$";
my $errpipe = "/tmp/err.$$";

if (system ('mkfifo', $outpipe) >> 8) {
    die $?;
if (system ('mkfifo', $errpipe) >> 8) {
    die $?;

#30	Black
#31	Red
#32	Green
#33	Yellow
#34	Blue
#35	Magenta
#36	Cyan
#37	White

if (fork == 0) {
    colorize(32, $errpipe);

if (fork == 0) {
    colorize(31, $outpipe);

open STDOUT, ">$outpipe";
open STDERR, ">$errpipe";

my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
system($cmd, @ARGV);

unlink $outpipe;
unlink $errpipe;

sub colorize {
    my $color_code = shift;
    my $pipe = shift;

    open STDIN, "<$pipe";
    for my $line (<STDIN>) {
	if ($use_timestamp) {
	    my ($s, $us) = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday;
	    print $s . $us . " \e[${color_code}m${line}\e[0m";
	} else {
	    print "\e[${color_code}m${line}\e[0m";
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