[sf-lug] Welcome to Philip Griffith

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at asheesh.org
Sun Mar 23 16:57:31 PDT 2008

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, Christian Einfeldt wrote:

> I am saying welcome to Philip Griffith, a new member of this LUG. 
> Philip is a new user who is a 69 year-old guy who shares an apartment 
> with his friend, Bob, who is also about that age.  I gave them a Ubuntu 
> box, and we are teaching them some basic email stuff.  They are just 
> joining this list for the first time.

Welcome, Philip!

> They are making a very interesting use of their Ubuntu box.  They have a 
> Dell P4 with 512 MB of RAM.  Bob is an accomplished piano player, and 
> Philip and Bob are using the Ubuntu box for recording Bob's original 
> jazz piano creations directly to the Ubuntu box.  We are going to be 
> using Bob's music for the Digital Tipping Point film, and I will be 
> posting Bob's work to the Internet Archive for anyone to listen to and 
> to share.  I wanted to show Bob and Philip how a mailing list works, and 
> I wanted to welcome them to this list.  They are still getting familiar 
> with email lists, and so they will probably be lurking for a while and 
> not responding to email, so don't be hurt if you say hello to them and 
> they don't respond.  Email lists are a new phenomenon to them.

Philip, when you geta chance, I'd be interested to what you like and don't 
like about your computer that runs Ubuntu.  I'd also be interested to hear 
what application you're using for your music work.

A lot of the time, things that are frustrating about computers can be 
fixed easily, or there are new skills that you don't even know you don't 
have - so if something seems unnecessarily difficult, or you don't know 
how to do something, let us know.  Even if we're not the right people to 
help you, I think we can find the right place to point you.

Generally, list etiquette asks for short emails where possible, with 
separate messages per topic.  So hopefully some time you can email with an 
introduction of how you've liked things generally, and when you run into 
problems or confusing parts, or maybe if you have a general question about 
how something works, write a separate message for those questions.

Glad to hear Christian set you up with a computer!

-- Asheesh.

Last night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up
the pillow was gone.
 		-- Tommy Cooper

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