[sf-lug] Fwd: VERIO Linux VPS: Arrange your Full-Access Test Drive.

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Mar 12 13:55:15 PDT 2008

Quoting jim stockford (jim at well.com):

>  From the Verio MarComm people to me, jim (hey, it's
> another linux distro):

Hmm, in case you were unclear on this, Verio is not a Linux
distribution, but rather a huge nationwide ISP headquartered in the East
Coast -- one that bought a large number of smaller but much more
technically competent local providers in past decades, including (in
S.F.) Best Internet and The Little Garden / TLGnet.  

What they appear to be selling _here_ is Internet virtual host services
using Xen under RHEL5.

Basically, they're advertising that they're another among dozens of
virthost vendors.  

That fluff about their "deep roots in open source (FreeBSD)" merely
refers to them having _bought_ Best Internet, who used to employ Matt
Dillon, and who had their infrastructure mostly on FreeBSD -- but those
"deep roots" withered and died with the buyout.  (As former Best.com and
TLG customers will testify, Verio screwed up the firms it bought out.)

The phrasing about the company being "inventor of Virtual Private Server
(VPS) technology" appears to be just a reference to Verio (and Best
Internet before it) being one of innumerable firms commercialising the
jail(2) virtual-host syscall technology included in every release of
FreeBSD since 4.0-RELEASE.  That code was _not_ developed by Verio, but
rather by ServeTheWeb.com and Safeport Network Services.  See:

The phrase "VERIO Linux VPS" appears to just mean Xen under RHEL5, plus
some sort of proprietary "control panel" Web thing -- with little
connection to their of the term "Virtual Private Server" under FreeBSD.

So, just a sales job from a mammoth firm trying to take credit for other
people's work.

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