[sf-lug] Language tutorial lists

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Feb 4 18:07:18 PST 2008

Quoting Kristian Erik Hermansen (kristian.hermansen at gmail.com):

> +1 on why's ruby tutorial.  I went through a good chunk of it about
> two years ago and enjoyed it, especially the witty humor :-)

"The Little Schemer" isn't particularly funny, OTOH, but is concise and
clear.  (It's a revamp of an equally fine small book called "The Little

And, although it's not about one language specifically, and covers a lot of 
other things, I've always really loved Paul Sheer's "RUTE" ("LINUX: Rute 
User's Tutorial and Exposition"), http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz .

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