[friday-follies] Anyone up for a Proposition Party?

Michael Siladi msiladi at ix.netcom.com
Sun Oct 23 13:13:38 PDT 2016


It's that time again. There are lots of propositions (17!) on the 
California ballot, plus a lot of local issue to be decided on November 8th.

For those not familiar with the concept, a "Proposition Party" is a 
gathering where we discuss the merits and drawbacks of the various state 
and local ballot measures.  This is not about "how to vote", but instead 
it is focused on "what exactly are we voting on", and determining what 
"yes" and "no" votes mean with respect to each ballot measure.

Typically, we gather on a Sunday before the election, bring our voter 
pamphlets, newspaper editorials and reviews, web page print-outs, 
campaign materials, opinion pieces, and any other background materials, 
and discuss each measure.  Hopefully, we do this calmly and thoughtfully.

In the past, we've done this at the Sunnyvale Sweet Tomatoes (after 
Sunday Brunch clears out, we can have several hours of "quiet" time 
where we won't disturb anyone.  I also think that doing this after 
eating yields better dialog.

I'd like to suggest either Sunday October 30 or Sunday November 6, about 
Noon-ish (or so).  Sweet Tomatoes in Sunnyvale can work for us (dress 
warmly as we'll probably be on the patio with space heaters.)  Other 
possibilities include Hobee's, Black Bear Diner, El Torito (Milpitas) or 
someone's home (with a potluck?) However, I'm open to suggestions for 
alternate locations, dates and times.

Please remember that democracy is not a spectator sport.


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