[dvlug] BALUG.org ...

Michael Paoli michael.paoli at berkeley.edu
Thu Aug 15 23:43:35 PDT 2024

BALUG.org ...
So, seems there may be one or more persons not so interested in (also)
seeing BALUG.org's announcements (or even one per meeting per general 11
of 12 months per year) also passed along to DVLUG.org list(s).
So, I may no longer be passing those along to the DVLUG.org list(s).

If you want to be sure to not miss BALUG.org's announcements (it's low
volume list, max 3 emails per month, and rather commonly only one), you
may wish to subscribe to the BALUG-Announce list.  To subscribe, see the
"Announce" list under:
The latest post to that list from earlier today, can also be seen here:

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