[dvlug] (forw) QUESTION/grant?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Jul 13 01:14:36 PDT 2022

Probably intending for DVLUG's mailing list, as Charles responded to my
public comment.

----- Forwarded message from charles klein <n3rf at aol.com> -----

Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 19:36:54 -0700
From: charles klein <n3rf at aol.com>
To: Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com>
Subject: QUESTION/grant?
X-Mailer: WebService/1.1.20407 mail.backend.jedi.jws.acl:role.jedi.acl.token.atz.jws.hermes.aol

the question is can a server os be used in a desktop?

all! the new os dont work

i have like 20 os, name it, i got it!

i use a rollerball also called a track ball.

the new systems have gone to "WAYLAND" which does support it but only
in a limited way.

it works but not a regular basis your thumb would wear out.

also im using a old rolerbball that uses 800 dpi

certainly you could say buy a new one but again they dont work.

"logitech" has some type of patient which allows them to have a smooth
ball others tend to grind.

grant-bow/bowman? gave me my first Ubuntu dvd

i think in walnut creek, then 10 years later he moved to Antioch
however i think he is now in walnut creek again.

i can get free red hat "developer" 9.0 rehc

unfortunately it has to be done from my/thier web site because they
legally want to know who you are.

you can not just download however anybody could claim hes a developer.

it takes me 1.5 days! to download im have a $5 internet connection.

also its 8 gig and so would only fit on a double sided or blu-ray disc

however i believe it can be loaded onto an "ISO" (flash drive) which i
could provide.

i would be wiling to pay for costs.

#1 can a server be used on desktop?

#2 what is grants complete name and do you have an e-mail to him?

# is he still giving out dvds?

this is a problem that needs to be investigated!

most people dont understand and think they are using a rollerball their not.

their using what appears to be a roller-ball because they dont know
how  easily they work

this will wear out your thumb really fast!

desperate oleo do desperate things and maybe red hat will work but i
doubt it.

On 5/1/22 10:48 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> Grant, once again, as with your continual attempt to use partimus.org as
> a simple SMTP mail reflector redirecting to GMail, your
> dvlug at linuxmafia.com subscription of grantbow at fedoraproject.org
> redirecting to GMail ran afoul of modern antiforgery protections, and
> was causing bounces.
> I have therefore just now removed your (additional) subscription of
> grantbow at fedoraproject.org from the subscriber roster.  Your
> subscriptions of grant.bowmanswy at gmail.com and grantbow at gmail.com of
> course continue, and you're welcome to subscribe from as many mailboxes
> as you wish, but should realise that in 2022, naive /etc/aliases-style
> mail redirection no longer is reliable because of antiforgery measures
> (SPF and DKIM/DMARC), and should be avoided.
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> ----                                     --------
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Charles Klein
n3rf at aol.com
Pittsburg California

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