[dvlug] Virtual LUG meeting _today_, 3pm-5pm

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Sep 22 13:25:01 PDT 2020

Quoting Don Smith (dcsmith at gmail.com):

> Hope everyone is doing well, I will say even as an infrequent attendee I do
> miss the in person meetups, and hope this whole madness blows over soon.

Silver lining:  There are now _many_ online LUG meetings you can 
attend from wherever you are.  One of them is _today_ at 3pm - 5pm PDT.
Perhaps you will join me there.

WHERE:  meet.jit.si/ALE-SW
WHEN:  Today, 3-5pm, our time
YOU NEED:  Chrome or Chromium (or some other browsers),
           plus a webcam and mic.
OR:   Call in voice-only[1] to (512) 647.1431, and enter PIN: 3398 1769 52

Today's meeting is of Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts' (ALE's) ALE-SW group
that in normal times meets in southwest Atlanta.  To join, fire up
Chrome or Chromium or some other browser with good WebRTC and Javascript
support, and open https://meet.jit.si/ALE-SW .  

That meet.jit.si site is the public demonstration instance of Jitsi
Meet, one of the open source alternatives to Zoom.  (Unlike Zoom, it
doesn't call for a proprietary client program, but not all Web browsers
give good results, e.g., some people have an OK experience with Firefox,
and others don't.)

If you've used Zoom, you can definitely use Jitsi Meet; they're rather 
Michael Paoli and I at Bay Area Linux User Group are trying to keep a 
list of virtual LUG meetings now being held over Internet teleconferencing.
I've attended ones in, for example, Melbourne, Phoenix, and Manchester 
so far.


Complete set of international dial-in numbers for the ALE-SW Jitsi Meet

Country     Dial-in Numbers    
US          +1.512.647.1431
UK          +44.203.885.2179
France      +
Germany     +49.89.380.38719
Netherlands +
Spain       +34.932.205.409
Canada      +1.437.538.3987
Australia   +61.8.7150.1136
Brazil      +55.21.3500.0112
Japan       +81.3.4510.2372
Switzerland +41.61.588.0496

Same PIN, 3398 1769 52, is needed for any dial-in number.

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