[dvlug] Meeting Today, Fri Feb 3rd at Caffe La Scala

Grant Bowman grantbow at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 3 14:08:14 PST 2012

Please join us this and every Friday from 6PM at 1655 N Main St in
Walnut Creek regardless of reminder emails. Details with map links are
always available. http://dvlug.org  If you can't make the meeting feel
free to ask questions on this mail list.

Afterwards there's an event in SF for those thrash metal fans among
you. Jono Bacon is a friend, the community manager for Canonical (the
company behind Ubuntu) and a very lucky guy.  As I
http://twitter.com/grantbow just tweeted: Tonight in San Francisco!
SeveredFifth.com CD release party, free album + full live show
http://t.co/iTM0klIR via @jonobacon

It seems there are quite a few events and announcements related to
Linux and computer worlds this week.
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek is just concluding. Linaro
Connect is in SF all next week, Mon Feb 6 - Fri Feb 10. Here's how
relatively new SF resident and SCaLE man Ilan Rabinovitch describes it
on his Google based fonz.net "Bay Tech" calendar.

"Linaro Connect Q1.12 is the first gathering point of 2012 for the
best software developers to plan out and code the future of Linux on
ARM. Scheduled in the same venue and the week before ELC and Android
Builders Summit, its a great opportunity to combine attendance at 3 of
the primary events in the Linux community's calendar."

Also, do you think Intel's HDCP is part of the reason Blu-ray hasn't
taken off as quickly as some have predicted? Is the experience over
DVDs just not good enough to require the necessary upgrades?



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