[dvlug] Meeting tonight, Fri May 27th at Caffe La Scala

Grant Bowman grantbow at fedoraproject.org
Fri May 27 14:23:42 PDT 2011

Please join us this and every Friday from 6PM at 1655 N Main St in
Walnut Creek regardless of reminder emails.  If you can't make the
meeting feel free to ask questions on this mail list.

Maker Faire was last weekend, come share what you saw.

F15 was released this week. If you would like this or a select other
set of downloaded ISO Linux images come by with your computer or a USB

>From my volunteering with partimus.org at SFUSD affiliated schools I
know that today is the last day of school for the San Francisco
Unifieid School District.

Memorial Day weekend is coming up but as it's the end of the month
Linux activity doesn't start again until Wed, June 1st when
noisebridge.net Linux Discussion takes place at 6:00 in SF and
svlug.org meets at 7:00 in Mt. View. Closer to (most of our) home(s)
is buug.org on Thurs night in Berkeley.



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