[dvlug] 882 Novell Patents

Grant Bowman grantbow at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 23:18:33 PST 2010

FYI, this was posted to the Linux Weekly News 10 days ago.


Mueller: 882 Novell patents go to Microsoft, Apple, EMC, and Oracle
[Announcements] Posted Dec 16, 2010 16:32 UTC (Thu) by jake

On his blog, Florian Mueller is reporting[1] that CPTN Holdings LLC,
which acquired the Novell patents (or will when and if the sale closes),
is owned by four industry heavyweights: "Twitter user @VM_gville just
pointed me to the website[2] of the German federal antitrust authority
("Bundeskartellamt"), which discloses a merger (or more precisely, joint
venture) notification filed a week ago (on 09 December 2010), according
to which the four companies behind CPTN Holdings LLC -- the acquirer of
882 Novell patents -- are Microsoft, Apple, EMC, and Oracle. The product
market in which the newly formed company plans to operate is defined as

 [1] http://fosspatents.blogspot.com/2010/12/cptn-holdings-llc-acquirer-of-882.html
 [2] http://www.bundeskartellamt.de/wDeutsch/zusammenschluesse/zusammenschluesse.php

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