[dvlug] Meetings over holiday season

harry strout harry-strout at comcast.net
Fri Dec 18 10:52:22 PST 2009


What's the definitive answer as to whether we are meeting tonight?
I received a lot of maybes and perhaps but no definitive response
whether you are on for tonight at all.

Since, I am new to the group, I would love to know when the next
meeting is going to be held.

Harry Strout

-----Original Message-----
From: dvlug-bounces at linuxmafia.com
[mailto:dvlug-bounces at linuxmafia.com] On Behalf Of Michael Paric
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [dvlug] Meetings over holiday season

> Hi everyone!
> It just came to my attention that the next two Fridays after this
> are December 25th and January 1st. For some reason, I think that
> be an issue! What are peoples' thoughts on this: should we just take
> couple of weeks off and start up again on January 8th, or would you
> like to meet up some time before then also?
> I'm unfortunately not going to Walnut Creek before Friday; if
> happens to be in the area and could get Caffe La Scala's holiday
> hours, that would be awesome; if not, I'll get them Friday.
> Apologies for the relatively short notice on this. I somehow
> to look at a calendar this month, so I failed to catch it before
> ~ Robert
> _______________________________________________
> dvlug mailing list
> dvlug at linuxmafia.com
> http://linuxmafia.com/mailman/listinfo/dvlug

This would seem like a good case to cancel the meetings. I know events

are coming up in January/February however I didn't think DVLUG was  
directly involved with them so skipping the meetings shouldn't have a

adverse affect.

Michael Paric

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dvlug at linuxmafia.com

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