[dvlug] Host for Diablo Valley LUG tonight?

Grant Bowman grantbow at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 12:24:58 PST 2009

People are welcome to come to Caffe La Scala tonight but I won't be
able to make it due to a last minute change in schedule.  If anyone
can definitely attend and is willing to greet newcomers, please step

I somehow found a way to attend the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Dallas,
TX.  I encourage people to follow along electronically if you can
Monday through Friday of next week.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-L

Some pictures were posted of our Karmic release party in San Francisco
last night.  We had fun.
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/KarmicRelease  Join us
next time in six months for Lucid Lynx parties.



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