I want to install cinelerra on the fedora 9 installation on my desktop computer.<br>The cinelerra website has these instructions for fedora:<br><h3><a name="fedora">Fedora</a></h3>
Cinelerra is not available in the default Fedora repositories.<br>
Cinelerra is included in the <a href="http://freshrpms.net/">Freshrpms</a> repository but
the package collection of Freshrpms may conflict with other third-party repositories such as Livna.<br>
Cinelerra is available also in the kwizart repository that, on the contrary, is compatible with Livna.<br></blockquote>
<h4><a name="fedora9">Fedora 9</a></h4>
To install Cinelerra from kwizart repository (x86 and x86_64) do: <br>
su -<br>
rpm -ivh <a href="http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-9.rpm">http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-9.rpm</a><br>
rpm -ivh <a href="http://rpms.kwizart.net/kwizart-release-9.rpm">http://rpms.kwizart.net/kwizart-release-9.rpm</a><br>
yum install cinelerra --enablerepo=kwizart<br>
1 - This package tweaks the kernel.shmmax value in /etc/sysctl.conf so there is no need for you to modify it.<br>
2 - This version points to the system fonts path in
/usr/share/fonts (instead of /usr/lib(64)/cinelerra/fonts).<br>
This is needed for the title plugin. It needs fonts.dir (which is usually deprecated) to be regenerated. <br>
You can do:<br>
yum install ttmkfdir xorg-x11-font-utils </code><br>
and then in each subdirectories of /usr/share/fonts that you want
to be seen by the title plugin, so for example: and <br>
cd /usr/share/fonts/<br>
ttmkfdir && mkfontdir
<h4><a name="fedora8"></a></h4><br>I installed kiwzart repository and tried to install<br># yum install cinelerra --enablerepo=kwizart<br>The install failed:<br>Missing dependency: libx264.so.58 is needed by cinelerra-<br>
<br>my system has libx264.so.60<br><br>I have the following repos enabled:<br>fedora<br>rpmfusion-free<br>rpmfusion-free-updates<br>rpmfusion-nonfree<br>rpmfusion-nonfree-updates<br>updates<br>updates-newkey<br><br>I enabled the following repo to install cinelerra:<br>
kwizart<br><br>none of them have libx264.so.58<br><br>man yum doesn't give an option to ignore library version. Is it possible to install cinelerra from kwizart and have it use libx264.so.60?<br><br>If someone has urls to point me to, i would appreciate any feedback/advice.<br>
<br>Thank you,<br><br>Darlene Wallach<br><br>