Just asking and warning; I'm probably not bringing food this time. [ minor - ish turbulence here ] . If you wound up with my pringles cookie can full of small installfest goodies, especially ethernet reels, I NEED it back: as the Fedora install that was using my laptops wireless stopped working during an update [ I dislike the tendency of suggested updates to kill/break parts of .rpm distributions. [[no distro = immune to this problem]] ]. So I WOULD use the Sabayon install on my expensive laptop with my usb wifi dongle BUT its in that can! I do not have wireless anymore. <br><br>Hopefully I remember to bring my w98 disks and someone enamored of some vm gets something working that does support my more difficult legacy apps. <br>I desperately want a vm / emulator that really does run my legacy apps so I can start using my more recent hardware. This situation got beyond farcical years ago. I'd like to transition to my nifty new monitor at the same time. I won't bring any
printer/s unless someone asks /arranges ahead of time. I'd love to have a working laser again too. [ I have a theoretic laser now with a fixed ip address: we don't do network printing here.]<br><p>