Found a cyclist's 'Leg Strap' in the car from Recreational Equipment International<br> [r]. I'm keeping it in my usual bag to get back to you. Ram in box assembled at last CABAL tested bad. [ In case one misses the word cyclist's, REI sells outdoor gear and not gear one usually associates with kinky interactions of any sort. Said leg strap does not lock, contains no leather, has no D-rings for attaching locks or ropes, excepting velcro too weak for kinky purposes, it lacks a 'sensual' fur lining, its reflective surface contains no obvious metal, the rest of the object contains no chains or whips, object bears no warning about chocking or strangulation hazards or anything else, and probably does not work well as a substitute for rope in any capacity that I can imagine. Said leg strap should prevent a greasy bicycle chain from dirtying one's pants leg when used properly. I deeply hope nobody else got this ill after last CABAL. <br><p>