[conspire] OT (geopolitics) So much winning

Elise Scher elise.scher01 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 09:22:51 PST 2025

What is a TEU please?
I am getting ready to go to work at my market as a cashier.
That is what I usually do on a Saturday.
No, I am not a good Jew that way, and do feel guilty.
But somehow I need to fit 24 or more hours of market work into my weekly
schedule to keep my Blue Cross health insurance coverage for me and my
I get no health coverage benefits from my substitute teaching.

Elise Scher

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025 at 9:13 AM Josef Grosch <jgrosch at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2/22/25 08:18, Steve Litt wrote:
> Rev Anon said on Thu, 20 Feb 2025 09:08:12 -0800
> We were warned for years.  Back when the voting rights bill got zeroed
> by an ass senator from WV, we knew this was coming.  Greg Palast
> documented the millions who got their ballots purged putting
> Republicans in charge.  (there's a little known government agency that
> counts such things as purged ballots)  C'est la vie. Democracy is over
> get used to it.  Perhaps the view looks dark but we can hope the west
> coast will unite and secede from the fascist new fed?  West coast
> exit!  Get your pitch-forks ready!
> This is a serious question: Does California have nuclear weapons? If
> you do, you can secede at will. If you don't, LA, SF, Long Beach and
> San Diego will get nuked the moment of secession. It's not necessary to
> have 5MT city busters, if you can deliver 40KT to Texas cities, that's
> good enough for a peaceful secession.
> tl;dr
> Sorry, this ignores a simple fact, nuclear explosions tend to do serious
> damage to the place that the explosion happened, not to mention the people.
> The value of California is the 40 million people, the infrastructure, and
> the value AKA GDP it generates. If California were a nation it would have
> the 4th or 5th largest economy, depend on the numbers you are looking at. A
> couple of nuclear blasts and we have an economy that would make Somalia
> look prosperous. The ports at Long Beach and Los Angeles have over 17
> million TEUs  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-foot_equivalent_unit)
> coming through every year. Take that out and a major piece of the US
> economy goes to shit.
> Speaking as a supporter of Cascadia (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_movement), and for a bonus round
> read "The Nine Nations Of North America" (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nine_Nations_of_North_America), I
> recognize there is no legal mechanism for secession. There will never be a
> legal mechanism, especially when the federal legislators from the red state
> realize that without money coming from the blue states, the red states
> become Somalia. For Alabama and Mississippi that is next week.
> In my opinion there is an alternative to secession, what I call
> disengagement, that is stop having anything to do with the red states.
> Keep in mind, 70% of GDP in this country is consumer spending. Stop
> spending money with the red states, only do business with the blue states
> and counties. Encourage educated young people to leave the red states for
> the blue states, a brain drain. Emphasize to women that we in the blue
> states will stay out of their uterus.
> Oh, another thing, stop electing bog standard Democrats, their balls
> dropped of during the Reagan administration. The only ones who have
> anything resembling a spine is AOC and Sanders.
> Josef
> --
> Josef Grosch       | Another day closer | jgrosch at gmail.com  | to Redwood Heaven  | Berkeley, Ca.
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