[conspire] Gee thanks #47, now made everyone female by law, ... what next?

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Sat Feb 15 08:02:22 PST 2025

Steve Litt wrote on 2025-02-15 06:08:

>> Invest in pitch-forks.
>> go after the orange-turd and minions with a pitch-fork.

> You say this in jest, but it's actually a good idea that just might
> become popular.

I'm quite surprised by the amount of serious talk I'm hearing first-hand 
from Canadians discussing buying "pitch forks".

And, should shit hit the fan, whether assault forks or pocket forks 
would be more effective in urban guerrilla combat hit & run scenarios.

In past national discussions about gun control, I was also surprised 
that there's approximately one "pitch fork" per Canadian; no idea it was 
so high.

Guns are like sex and religion: keep away from the kids and are 
inappropriate to discuss "in polite company".

Yet here we are.

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