[conspire] Mailing Lists: Mailman 2 -> Mailman 3, or something different? [was some other subject]

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Sun Feb 18 18:05:48 PST 2024

Deirdre Saoirse Moen wrote on 2024-02-18 12:57:

> I'm just*gobsmacked* that it's taken so many people so long to jump
> from 2 to 3. Yes, the biggest change is int / int = float (instead of
> int) and the other big one is that str can't be used for both text
> and binary data.
Plus all the `print` statements need to be converted to `print()` 
functions. That does give the opportunity to convert to "f-string" 
formats, which is nicer.

But now you have me wondering, why hasn't anyone converted Mailman2 to 

Oh, look:

 > https://github.com/jaredmauch/mailman2-python3

Jared Mauch - name looks familiar.

Doesn't he run an independent ISP in Michigan or someplace as a side 
gig? Day job is Akamai or something?

Not sure if the same guy:


So, that's a possible upgrade path.


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