[conspire] I am the very model of a Scary Devil Monastery

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Wed Nov 1 15:05:37 PDT 2023

Nick Moffitt wrote on 2023-11-01 04:47:

> So what's good in the free software world these days?

Oh, another one!

The new Thunderbird, v115, is out.

It was also quite visually jarring at first glance.

Hacked at some CSS to put a couple things back the way they've always 
been, reviewed a decade (2?) of settings that have been entirely 
forgotten about, tried some new layouts and features - decided they're 
not bad, though maybe not for me, and am quite pleased with the end result.

I still ought to put some custom zebra-striping on the message pane, but 
can live without it for now.

I'm curious what other Thunderbird users' experience has been?



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