[conspire] canning

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Sun Jul 23 13:40:57 PDT 2023

Quoting Josef Grosch (jgrosch at gmail.com):

> The two items that you should by is the jar handling tool and
> the canning funnel.

I'm cheap, so have never bought either.  I use ordinary kitchen tongs in
place of the jar-handling tool -- but it's often touch and go whether
I'm going to drop a jar.  Haven't dropped one yet, or, rather, I've
dropped one or two only from a height of the jar itself, so it didn't

Mind you, I'm basically saying you're absolutely correct.  I would be
better off buying one.  I just have kludged along without.

Likewise the canning funnel (that I lack).  There's currently a mild
burn on my right index finger from my most recent batch of loquat jam,
that I could have pretty easily avoided if I'd had a canning funnel.

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