[conspire] Installing Linux on Elise Scher's Chromebook

Elise Scher elise.scher01 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 06:29:53 PDT 2023

Hi Rick and others,
    Unfortunately, I will not physically attend after all. I am hoping it
is just my allergies. But my nose is stuffed up and dripping sometimes.
Discharge is not green. But just in case, maybe I better not attend and try
to get more sleep. I usually don’t get enough sleep. :(.
    I’ll try to attend for at least a little while via Jitsi.
    Thank you all for your help!

Elise Scher

On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 12:59 AM Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Steve Litt (slitt at troubleshooters.com):
> > Subjectively, I view LXDE as better than LXQt, and they've been
> > predicting its demise for almost a decade. When I go on the road I use
> > LXDE, until it's no longer offered, then LXQt.
> Fair enough.
> Or, as my favourite Josh Lyman line in "The West Wing" goes,
> "Ah, the rare valid point."
> > Windowmaker is very small and very pretty, but it's weird.
> You say that like it's a bad thing.  ;->
> (I'm kidding, I'm kidding.)
> > IceWM is a tiny but not maintained WM with a built in panel.
> There are codebases where "not maintained" is just another way of saying
> "is a finished, mature product that doesn't need anything else done".
> Procmail is the classic example.  I'd venture that IceWM is another.
> Concur about dmenu, in that regard.  And thank you for the excellent
> piece about that.
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