[conspire] Introduction to the Fediverse February 14th 2023 - MUG Meeting

Syeed Ali syeedali at syeedali.com
Sun Feb 12 20:55:11 PST 2023

Since this topic was discussed in the past on this list, I figured I'd
promote the Michigan LUG's presentation on Mastodon, The Fediverse, etc.


At 6:30pm Eastern Time (EST/EDT)
That's 3:30pm Pacific Time (UTC -8)

Download iCalendar entry for this event:

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Introduction to the Fediverse

The past few months have brought a lot of attention to software like
Mastodon and The Fediverse. Apparently billionaires spending money on
social networks can get folks really interested in these things. But
what exactly is The Fediverse and why should you care? Is the future
really decentralized (spoiler: yes, and it has nothing to do with shady
currencies and Ponzi Schemes).

Craig Maloney has been on federated platforms since the 2000s (remember
identi.ca?) He'll start with an ever-so-brief history of The Fediverse,
what protocols it uses, a brief overview of software that runs it, and
a demonstration of several platforms you can use to experience it for
yourself. You'll have everything you need to dive right in to The
Fediverse and kiss centralized social networks goodbye. Let that one
sink in.

Craig Maloney is a board member of the Michigan!/usr/group. He's also
the author of The Mediocre Programmer, and the host of Open Metalcast
(a podcast about Creative Commons Licensed Metal Music). By day he
programs Python and by night he plays with retro computers like the
Atari 2600, Home Computers, and the Atari ST. He's also a game designer
of both computer and tabletop games. He is currently writing about
himself in the third person. Learn more at https://decafbad.net

Participation options are:


2. Jitsi via dial-in:
2545 6772 24#

3. YouTube Live Meeting Stream:


If you are shy or private, then feel free to keep your camera off, your
microphone muted, join without an identifiable username, or view it on
YouTube.  Since the meeting will be recorded, you can also watch it
after the fact.


A copypasta reminder from the CABAL meetings, regarding Jitsi:

o  Computer w/Web browser.  

   mic w/ speakers/headphones.  Headphones/earbuds
   are recommended because they avert audio feeback loops.

o  or a specialised Jitsi Meet client program:

   o Jitsi Meet Client (28MB APK) for Android 5.0+, via F-Droid:

   o Jitsi Meet Client for Android, via Google Play Store

   o Jitsi Meet Client for iOS, via Apple iTunes Store

   o Jitsi Meet Electron desktop client (86MB binary: Linux x86_64,
   MacOS, MS-Windows),
   (Recommendation for headphones/earbuds still applies.)

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