[conspire] CABAL (Jitsi Meet), Sat. Jan. 8, 4pm - 12m

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jan 4 23:03:54 PST 2022

CABAL will meet _online_, Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, 4pm - 12m PST (UTC -8).

House Moen's powers of meteoromancy (weather magic) are either
nonexistent or limited to encouraging rain, but in any event we're 
predicted to have a soggy weekend -- so we'll gather on Jitsi Meet:

There _may_ be delicious BBQ and sourdough garlic bread, but delivery of
same over Internet videoconferencing remains in beta.

To attend, you'll need:

o  Computer w/supported Web browser.  Jitsi Meet's supported list is at

   mic w/ speakers/headphones.  Headphones/earbuds
   are recommended because they avert audio feeback loops.

o  or a specialised Jitsi Meet client program:

   o Jitsi Meet Client (28MB APK) for Android 5.0+, via F-Droid:

   o Jitsi Meet Client for Android, via Google Play Store

   o Jitsi Meet Client for iOS, via Apple iTunes Store

   o Jitsi Meet Electron desktop client (86MB binary: Linux x86_64, MacOS,
     MS-Windows), https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases
     (Recommendation for headphones/earbuds still applies.)

Cheers,        "Public health is not private health.  Epidemics are not personal
Rick Moen      diseases, and pandemics are not even national:  They take place 
rick at linuxmafia.com          across the shared immune system of human society."
McQ! (4x80)                  -- Indi Samarajiva, https://t.co/bW2w059PYp

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