[conspire] CABAL (in-person + Jitsi Meet), Sat. Feb. 12, 4pm - 12m

Lorne S salchootchkin at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 18:17:54 PST 2022

Thank you for the context, and for your hard work making this enjoyable
educational event happen for decades.

Lorne Sal..., 604-352-6463(Whatsapp Signal), 250-247-7200,"

On Thu, Feb 10, 2022, 18:09 Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Lorne S (salchootchkin at gmail.com):
> > Thank you so much for the hybrid Jitsi option.
> >
> > I plan to attend. I don't know how the heck you could do this, but is it
> > possible to put the device, the screen, speaker and camera at the busy
> > table, wherever that ends up,  once people start eating and socializing?.
> > Last time there was a hybrid CABAL, at a certain point, I was watching
> the
> > conversation from a distance.
> Lorne (and Elise):  I'll see how to better optimise that.
> In past hybrid events, I've used a digital projector and a big
> expandable screen to project the video onto.  That is awkward to place
> in the -middle- of people, so it's been on a second table, slightly away
> from the main one.  The good part of that is that the gallery-mode
> display, with all of the online participants, then becomes huge
> (around 2 metres x 2 metres), thus prominent and making it easy for
> in-person attendees to see everyone.  On the minus side, the projector
> generates a fair amount of noise and heat, and the screen's mammoth
> size plus the other gear (laptop, pair of loudspeakers, outboard
> microphone, video projector, all of the electrical feed) takes up quite
> a bit of a table.  Also, I need to take care that nobody spills anything
> into the electronics.
> I might experiment with putting a 21" monitor on some part of the main
> table, instead of using the projector.  We shall see.  (Some of the
> problems would persist, though, and everyone would be seeing a much,
> much smaller dispay of the online participants.)
> The projector-based setup may be the best tradeoff possible without
> spending gobs of money.
> (Don't forget, also, that I need to be prepared to power down everything
> in a huge hurry and get it under a roof, if rain threatens.)
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