[conspire] (forw) Re: [Golugtech] Fw: [Alpine-info] O365 XOAUTH2 via fetchmail

Alex Kleider alexkleider at protonmail.com
Fri Apr 22 13:10:18 PDT 2022

I don't pretend to understand exactly what it is that you are trying to do...
...but I've been successful in my attempts to send emails in an automated fashion (using Python's Pymail.send.send method and my gmail account as a mail transfer agent.) The only caveat is that one must first set "lesssecureapps" [1] (https://myaccount.google.com/u/1/lesssecureapps?pli=1&rapt=AEjHL4MjjvQ_vFhfyNJA4L8D6F7Ebe23Pp8XOtkTzUpxd4mp5NhUHiFxACtGDaF0HkPzo03agudCrj5aMFoKkq3n4WtyaZZ9yQ&pageId=none)

[1] in the process of generating this email, I've discovered that as of May 22nd the ability to do this will go away!  Don't know what I'll do after that.  Any suggestions??

Alex Kleider  (set from my current gizmo)

------- Original Message -------
On Friday, April 22nd, 2022 at 12:21 PM, Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Akkana Peck (akkana at shallowsky.com):
> [you spent about half a day trying to implement Google's
> wrapping of OAuth 2.0 into SMTP to authenticate postings to Google
> Groups]
> > I have to use Google's SMTP server when I post to google groups.
> > I currently use msmtp, password authenticated.
> And simple password auth works, for that? I'm glad if it does (for your
> sake). Perhaps you mean it works for that, but XOAUTH2 is mandated for
> GMail specifically.
> > So I just spent about half a day flailing away at that, with no success.
> > But the problem has nothing to do with paying for app verification;
> > it's more to do with Google's old scripts and documentation that
> > haven't been updated as they changed the server side.
> Heh. The cynical take on that would be that this is the
> passive-aggressive way to discourage people, but certainly a more
> parsimonious explanation is that developers hate writing documentation.
> ;->
> > But assuming you can get some access tokens (the step that
> > consistently fails for me), at least for now, if you're just trying
> > to use let a small number of users use gmail, it seems you can leave
> > your app in development mode (don't click Publish), set yourself up
> > as a test user, and not need app verification.
> Aha. Thanks for clarification, which presumably will be useful to
> some.
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