[conspire] Postal voting, continued.

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Fri Sep 17 04:37:04 PDT 2021

On 16Sep2021 03:34pm (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> In the listing of the entire clown car or 46 candidates, I had pointedly
> called out the two specific ones who were honest-to-Ghu _Domininists_
> -- but today realised many readers wouldn't know what that term means
> and why it's a red flag.  So, I linked that term to RationalWiki's page,
> which as usual is clear and more vivid than Wikipedia's:
> https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Dominionism
> I recommend it, as the snark is strong in that wiki, and tends to make
> me laugh hard (as did this entry).

The quotations from Calvin really gave me whiplash, there.  It makes a lot of sense when you take his positions as a whole, but he really straight up just flamed dominionists of his day and forevermore into eternity!

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