[conspire] Looking for updated netiquette advice

Syeed Ali syeedali at syeedali.com
Sat Oct 23 21:05:22 PDT 2021

Now that I'm kind of around on a few mailing lists, I'd like a refresher
on netiquette.

I know a lot of basic things and I had read up on the topic many years
ago, but I wonder if there are any updated essays, blog posts or..
well.. documentation.

In particular, sometimes I get inspired by someone, and I want to
respond to the topic, the ideas, or a sentence, and not necessarily to
the person, and yet I want to quote and reference the inspiration.

Sometimes I don't want those quoted to perceive that I'm responding to
and engaging them.  I feel that when I'm quoted I'm being invited into
a sort of sub-thread, and I myself don't necessarily want to illicit
that in others.

Maybe I need to get some books on sophism?

I'll search some more, but the internet is now getting so cluttered that
it's as though this is the olden days before I knew how to use search
engines and only knew enough to ask humans.  So far I'm getting dumb
results like netiquette and online ethics; I want to learn, not get


Some stuff at a glance is:


I wonder if various major applications and distributions would be a
direct research route.

I love essay-rants too, but there are often rabbit holes, e.g.:

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