[conspire] (forw) Re: CA.US COVID-19 booster shots widely available for adults as of?2021-11-18

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Mon Nov 22 08:15:35 PST 2021

Rick Moen writes:
> [1] Recent reading: _The End of October_, by Lawrence Wright.  Wright
> set out in 2017 to write a novel about a global novel-virus pandemic,
> and had the weird luck to bring it to publication in March 2020.  The
> research the author did was flawless, and there are many moments in it
> with absolutely spooky resemblance to real events 

Sounds interesting -- I just checked it out from my local library.

In case people can't get enough of this sort of thing, I have to
recommend _Doomsday_Book_ by Connie Willis. Not recent - 1992 -- but
it's about epidemics/pandemics, both modern and medieval (there's a
time travel element). It's a great story (though I'm biased, since
she's probably my favorite modern author.) I re-read it last year,
and although the pandemic in the book has substantial differences
from COVID, a lot of it will seem eerily familiar after living
through 2020.

And thanks for the info on boosters; I'm going to sign up for
a third Moderna.


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