[conspire] Chromium vs. Google Chrome feature (and antifeature) comparison

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Sat Jan 2 13:05:31 PST 2021

On 02Jan2021 07:47am (-0800), Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Kyle Terrien (kyleterrien at gmail.com):
> > Chrome has a few proprietary bits (such as the PDF reader, Flash, and 
> > EME; correct me if I mistook anything) that are not in Chromium.
> 1.  Nobody's cared about Macromedia^W Adobe Flash since the famous Steve
> Jobs letter in 2010, which among other things reminded the world of how
> incredibly buggy the stuff is, and the software world pulled together
> and collectively said 'You know, we actually don't need this stuff.'

Flash support was officially ended with the new year, so it's officially *abandonware* as well.  It's worth the proprietary Chrome browser dropping it like a hot coal as of *yesterday*.

> 2.  Nobody actually needs a browser-integral PDF reader:  There are
> better PDF readers usable _with_ any Web browser for all common OS
> platforms.

This was an odd point to make on both sides.  Chromium can display PDFs just fine inline, as can Firefox.

I used to roll my eyes at integral PDF viewers, but having a tab and a bookmark live without downloading *another* copy each time you click to it has certain advantages.

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