[conspire] online LUG meetings

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Feb 18 19:55:35 PST 2021

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):

> * [ ] 2021-02-17T09:31:38+0000 +BALUG meeting
> * [ ] 2021-02-18T06:13:13+0000 +Portland Linux / Unix Group
> * [ ] 2021-02-18T06:28:32+0000 +OSU (Oregon State University) Linux
> Users Group
> * [ ] 2021-02-18T06:52:24+0000 +Provo Linux User Group
> * [ ] 2021-02-18T07:10:03+0000 +Bellevue Linux Users Group

Um, what?

2021-02-18 appears to be a reference to today.

As to what "T07:10:03+0000" is supposed to mean, I have fsck-all idea
how it's intended that I parse that.  None of my guesses seem reasonable
based on other data.

My failed attempt to parse what you wrote:  Bellevue is in Washington,
thus Pacific Time.  Their Web page (http://belug.herber.us/) says "The
Tuesday, February 9th 2021 meeting will be online using Zoom" and
"Meetings are almost always held on the second Tuesday of each month,
starting at 7:00PM."  It says nothing at all about a meeting on Feb.
16th (today).

Just in case you knew something the maintainer of Bellevue LUG's Web
pages didn't know, I tried the Zoom link on the LUG Web front page, and
nobody's there.

What were you trying to say that I failed to parse?

That doesn't even exhaust what mystifies me about your listing, e.g., 
what the plus sign is for, and what that stuff in the left columns is.

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