[conspire] Correction

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Mar 23 22:07:08 PDT 2020

Quoting Tony Godshall (tony at of.net):

> Respirator manufacturing is ramping up.  Tesla has already made a
> bunch.  In Fremont.  California.

That's important, and really good news.  Another even more critical resource
that cannot be ramped up, and is in danger of ramping down, is trained
medical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.).  Even if a huge mob of eager
trainees were to be found (and fat chance of that), not much of the
necessary training could be skipped in order to bolster numbers quickly.

'Ramping down' is thus the likely effect of exposure -- which, getting
back to your point, is what ramping _up_ of N95 respirators should help
(in part) avert.

Are we having fun, yet?  ;->

Cheers,                                "Rand Paul being patient zero for a Senate 
Rick Moen                               viral outbreak is a sign of a writers' room 
rick at linuxmafia.com                     dropping too much acid, late in the season."
McQ! (4x80)                                           -- @owillis (Oliver Willis)

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