[conspire] Federales in Portland?

Ruben Safir ruben at mrbrklyn.com
Wed Jul 22 09:29:09 PDT 2020

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 04:07:55PM +0000, paulz at ieee.org wrote:
>  Part of the problem is the news likes to have the most exciting pictures and most dramatic story.  They generally don't just present unbiased information.
> The way I heard it from people who live in Portland is that for weeks there were protests  They were loud.  They wanted mental health people instead of police confronting people with mental problems.  They had a list of other common complaints about housing etc.  Basically they were peaceful, but they kept it up for several weeks.  Lots of things to work out between the protestors, the mayor, the police union, city council, etc.
> Then the Federales arrived and created violence.   People in Portland wondered if they were suddenly in Argentina.  


I'm not buying that story.

torming federal court houses and setting the police union hall afire
isn't non-violent protesting and just being loud.

And BTW - being loud was used in the Panama invasion to torture Noriega.

We'll see who this works out.  I'm sure it is all going to end up in

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