[conspire] CABAL meeting, Saturday, Feb. 8th!

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Mon Feb 10 08:20:43 PST 2020

begin Nick Moffitt quotation of Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 12:08:34PM +0000:

> I think it holds up rather well, and the one horrible wart of the past (namely the rough transition from Python 2 to 3) is finally gone.

To be fair, the Python 2 to 3 upgrade did get blamed
in a lot of situations where the real problem was
that the original application didn’t handle
Unicode characters correctly.  (If they had done one
release where they made Python programmers learn
character encodings, and then another one where
they change everything else that's different about
Python3, the Unicode release would have caused most
of the trouble.)

The thing that I like about the state of Python and
related projects now is that back in the day you
could read one Lincoln Stein book and make a web
site that does something.  Today with Python that is
almost back.


Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org>                   
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