[conspire] Inimicus curiae

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Dec 11 13:02:36 PST 2020

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> As Steve Vladeck put it, "we have officially jumped the Kraken":
> https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22O155/163506/20201211114620451_Amicus%202020-12-11.pdf

So, the sum and substance of this is:  A Nevada resident and person who
(somewhat incredibly) is an accredited member of the California bar sent
the US Supreme Court nine pages of complaining, citing spurious and
obviously defective legal arguments, alleging illegal conduct by the
states of California and Nevada -- in a supposed amicus brief in favour
of plaintiff, in a case recently requested by Texas's AG against the
governments of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

In other words, his amicus curiae _doesn't address the case_, but 
rather is off babbling about entirely unrelated, irrelevant rubbish. 

I carefully avoid making comments about someone's competence in his or
her profession for lots of reasons (and urge that caution onto others,
as well).  That having been said, this filing will remain on the record
for potential customers, colleagues, and business associates of Robert
E. Thomas, III Esq. to assess him by, and I very much hope they do.

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