[conspire] clock and ... Re: Beat the heat: Come to CABAL

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Wed Sep 18 19:27:26 PDT 2019

> From: "Rick Moen" <rick at linuxmafia.com>
> Subject: Re: [conspire] Beat the heat:  Come to CABAL
> Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2019 13:03:38 -0700

... And a lovely time was had by all!  :-)
I brought frozen fruit pops - mango, coconut, and strawberry.
May not have been hot enough to "require" them ;-)
But they were yummy in any case ...
along with lots of other yummy delectables.

Someone asked about about a wee bit 'o clock display
script/program I wrote, which I'd left running displaying
on a screen/window.  Anyway, they'd seen something on
The Internet, roughly like - as I (partially) recall:

while true
      maybe clears screen first - or after - or not
      something or another that displays the time

And among other things the effectively said it burns lots of CPU.
And I essentially remarks, not at all surprisingly so, as there's
nothing in the loop to delay it from proceeding to the next iteration
of the loop - so essentially notwithstanding waiting on I/O (notably
output - but local screen is pretty fast on that), or being preempted
by other tasks, it'll burn as much (at least of a single thread of) of
a CPU as the OS will give to it - not very efficient ... and particularly
wasteful too if that time information being displayed only has granularity
to the second - then why refresh that on the display thousands or more
times per second?

As I oft say of The Internet - yes, lots of good information there,
but also, about 20% of it is anywhere from rather incomplete or flawed,
to downright totally incorrect and/or dangerous.

Anyway, my wee 'lil program/script ... I just added fair bit more comments
to make it fair bit more comprehensible.  Most 'o the rest of it is
left as exercise for the the interested readers.

$ (cd ~/bin && expand -t 4 < bclock)

# display a big ASCII clock, update every second, and reasonably
# feasibly close to on the second.

# vi(1) :se tabstop=4

# Use temporary file for tracking sub-second accuracy
# our filesystem for that happens to support that.
t=$(mktemp) || exit

trap "rm '$t'; trap - 0; exit" 0 1 2 3 15 # cleanup when we're done

while :
     set -- $(date +%r) &&
     clear && # clear screen and
     banner "$1" # display HH:MM:SS large
     >"$t" # "touch" our temporary file

     # Examine our mtime on the file, determine any fractional part
     # beyond the second
     over=$(stat -c '%y' "$t" | sed -ne 's/^[^.]*\(\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/p')

     # If we got over (above), subtract that from 1,
     # that's then the fractional part of a second we should wait to
     # almost exactly land us atop the turning over of the next second
     [ -n "$over" ] && sleep=$(echo 1-"$over" | bc -l)
     # If we didn't get that calculated fractional bit, fallback to 1
     [ -n "$sleep" ] || sleep=1

     # Wait (sleep) our calculated (or fallback of 1) second(s) -
     # nomially a franctional part of a second.
     sleep "$sleep"

     # Alternative commented out code, that would wait until about the
     # roll-over of the 1/4 minute - essentially each 15 seconds
     # s=$(expr 15 - \( $(date +%S) % 15 \))
     # [ "$s" -ne 0 ] || s=15
     # sleep "$s"

And, semi-random hint, in case one might not have it installed:
$ type banner
banner is hashed (/usr/bin/banner)
$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/banner
sysvbanner: /usr/bin/banner
$ man banner | col -b | expand | grep '^[       ]*[^    ]'
BANNER(1)                   User's Reference Manual                  BANNER(1)
        banner - print large banner
        banner text
        banner prints out the first 10 characters of text in large letters.
Debian                         February 4, 1997                      BANNER(1)
The above, also not to be confused with (what some might also have installed):

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