[conspire] Richard M. Stallman has resigned from FSF and from MIT CSAIL

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Sep 17 13:24:55 PDT 2019

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> On 17Sep2019 01:16am (-0700), Rick Moen wrote:
> > Quite a number of other outfits have picked up the story in various
> > ways.  Stallman responded by objecting (with perfect justification, as
> > far as I can see) that in no way was he defending Epstein; that this is
> > just not at all what he said.
> "Good intentions," Rick Moen once said, "are a booby prize."

I have no stake in the good repute of the late Dr. Minsky, but to
label a critique of terms & concepts used critical of Dr. Minsky
'defending Epstein' is to commit a category error, and saying 'Good
intentions don't matter because it defended Epstein anyway' IMO seems 
like more category error.

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