[conspire] Beat the heat: Come to CABAL

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Fri Sep 13 17:39:14 PDT 2019

Long ago, some time around 1993, I moved to the SOMA neighbourhood of
San Francisco, having then recently lived in Concord, CA (if you call
that living).  And practically the first thing that happened was what
the San Francisco newspapers breathlessly called a 'heat wave', where, 
if I recall correctly, the temperature peaked at 34 degrees C.
(Those of you who still live in the 20th Century and want Fahrenheit,
feel free to do the math problem.  I find it easier to just use metric
and not do math problems.)

I remember laughing heartily, after Concord summer days routinely
hitting 42 degrees (with humidity).

Roll forward to today.  National Weather Service put out a 'heat
advisory' for predicted Menlo Park high of 34 degrees, and the porch
thermometre currently shows 32 -- which is really rather nice.  (You
poor sods in Santa Clara County, eat your hearts out.)

Anyway, tomorrow's going to be DRAMATICALLY better, predicted high of
30, probably more like 27 during prime CABAL hours.

You'll want to be here.

I have under preparation fresh bread _and_ another from-scratch pizza.
This time, by request, the latter won't have a pesto sauce base, but
rather a tomato one.  (Bruce, you are hereby warned.)  A number of good
things will be on that, including fresh basil and oregano from the

We hope to see you.

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