[conspire] OT: More about conversations with police (was: Here in the 100-mile border zone)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jul 16 11:00:49 PDT 2019

Quoting Nick Moffitt (nick at zork.net):

> The idea is that the official swagger and the authoritative language
> of being told your rights might be enough to "scare straight" some
> folks.  I'm not sure it has quite the force it used to, what with
> police in this country having been de-funded so dramatically by the
> Conservatives.

I've always considered it fitting that the name Tory derives from the
Middle Irish tóraidhe, meaning robber or brigand.[1]  (I hear they've
eviscerated Legal Aid, too.)  IMO, there hasn't been a Conservative
worth wasting the water budget to spit on since Edward Heath.

[1] This dates back to when the ragged criminal opposition to Oliver
Cromwell's Protectorate were Royalists, hence to be a tóraidhe was to be
Royalist scum and villainy -- a term of abuse.  Seems about right.

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