[conspire] Siduction ... trust path to ISOs?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Feb 26 22:54:53 PST 2019

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu):

> Hmmm, Siduction ... trust path to ISOs?
> Repeating the earlier mistakes of, e.g. Linux Mint*?

Yep, they definitely have been screwing that up, lately.  Past releases
included SHA256SUM.gpg and MD5SUM.gpg files in the download directories -- 
but I can't remember seeing anything about verifying the signatures
against a known public key.

doesn't have a cached copy of the bug, nor
does http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://bugs.siduction.org/issues/1914

Internet Archive seems, in fact, to have gotten only one snapshot of
their BTS, in 2015, predating bug #1914.

The primary download location, FWIW, would be the Free University Berlin

Boy, I really do wish that the original , project, Sidux, hadn't
collapsed during internal political wrangles, and not just because they
had the best name.  Wehen that happened, the developers all left and
founded the 'Aptosid' fork (leaving a non-developer with the
organisational entity and the Sidux trademark).  They were excellent for
quite a few years.  Siduction was a further schism off of Aptosid
supposedly motivated by the Siduction developers not caring enough about
desktop computing.  (You never know, as an outsider, whether things like
that are reason or pretext.)   I disregarded Siduction until Aptosid
suddenly collapsed.  Well, it hasn't _completely_ collapsed, but hasn't had
a release seince 2013, so it's at best mostly dead.

So, Siduction's been my third-best choice as implementers of a really
good idea.

The original Sidux plan involved quarterly ISO releases -- which they
kept up for a respectable time.  One notices that Siduction's been doing
only about two per year, and hasn't had one in 11 months, at this point.

All three of those projects have been international but dominated by
German-speaking developers, so some of their materials and forum
discussions have been incomprehensible to me.  (For all I know,
Siduction may be going the way of its predecessors.)

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